Growing up Goofy is… Growing!
Growing Up Goofy started as a wedding website over thirteen years ago. My husband, Doug, has finally agreed to start writing here now and then.

No, we are not expanding our family in any way, shape, or form. I’ll get that out of the way right now. But Growing up Goofy (now, BigCrazyLife) is growing! And what I really mean by that is Doug (my husband) is going to finally contribute to my our blog. Doug offers an entirely different perspective and I’ve been asking him to write about this or that for years. We starting our first blog together as Doug and Cam in 2005… THIRTEEN years ago!
He was very active back then and now that we are parenting two very active girls, I begged asked him to join me and give his two cents around here. Doug is sort of a mystery to most people, and I want you to get to know him a bit. So I asked him a few tough questions that really make or break a person.
Here’s everything you need to know about Doug in 15 seconds…
- Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars.
- Disneyland or Disney World? Disneyland.
- Twitter or Facebook? Duh, Twitter (@stop)
- Dogs or cats? I’m allergic to cats, but I’d choose dogs over cats any day.
- Favorite show? Right now… Black Mirror.
- Favorite band? Snow Patrol.
- If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? Prague, since we didn’t get to go on our last trip.
- Final thoughts? “Simple isn’t easy.”
There you have it. Everything you needed to know about Doug. Or at least, some of it. You’ll be seeing more of him around here as he brings a different light to our everyday life. We also have some really big plans coming up and can’t wait to take you on our journey with us.