New site, shifted focus, same big crazy life
We're thrilled to launch our new site. And we think we came up with a pretty apt name for it: Big Crazy Life. Almost all of the content from Growing up Goofy, a fresh coat of paint, and a slightly shifted focus.

It seems like everything is constantly evolving. As our kids get older, our interests change, and life gets even more crazy. It made sense that we change things up around here. Doug and I wanted to create a space that would work for both of us. Sometimes I feel like he could write about a topic more eloquently than I can. Especially when it comes to reviewing anything related to tech or gear that needs to be set up, charged, or maintained. But Doug had limited interest in writing on my previous site, Growing up Goofy. And I wanted to rebrand and redesign. So we’ve moved on and created a new space that brings our family and interests together.
We’re thrilled to launch our new site. And we think we came up with a pretty apt name for it: Big Crazy Life. Almost all of the content from Growing up Goofy, a fresh coat of paint, and a slightly shifted focus. If you’ve been following since the beginning over 12 years ago, and you’re counting, I think this is the fifth incarnation of a site name, brand, and design that chronicles our adventures.
I’m sure I’ll still write the occasional post or two about Disneyland or craft projects. And I’m still heavily involved with Girl Scouts. But expect to find more content about traveling and continued parenting, with a bit of technology and gear reviews folded in.
When we moved to Southern California, we thought our lives would slow down a bit. We left the tech world behind. But we replaced it with the hustle and bustle with new adventures. We’re traveling more, interacting much more with our two busy girls, and we’re jumping on to new ventures with apparel and event companies. Slow down? Not us! It’s our big crazy life. And we wouldn’t trade any of it.