7 weeks of hibernation… or just pregnant!
August 16th. That was the date of my last post. It’s been almost seven weeks since I’ve written anything here. We’ve had so much going on, and I actually have a ton of unfinished posts just waiting to be finished. But let me start by telling you about BlogHer. BlogHer? Almost two months ago. That BlogHer? […]

August 16th. That was the date of my last post. It’s been almost seven weeks since I’ve written anything here. We’ve had so much going on, and I actually have a ton of unfinished posts just waiting to be finished. But let me start by telling you about BlogHer. BlogHer? Almost two months ago. That BlogHer? Yes, that BlogHer.
I was so excited to go to BlogHer, I had an amazing time. I finally got to meet lots of really great people. I admire these women, and am so lucky that I got the chance to spend some time with them. While I was getting ready for Blogher one morning, I had a couple of dizzy spells. I actually thought it was because I was wearing high heels for the first time in several years. I realize now how silly that sounds. I really didn’t think anything of it until I got home and came down with felt like the flu. The same flu never seemed to go away. Little did we know, it wasn’t the flu at all.
It looks like Emma is going to be a big sister! Gulp. That’s right. I’m pregnant!
Ok, so I didn’t have the flu. Just a second pregnancy. For those of you who were around for my last pregnancy, you know a couple of things. One, it took a long time for us to conceive with Emma. And two, I was sick for almost the entire pregnancy. Very sick. So sick that I cried almost every day. This time is no different. In fact, it feels worse than the first time. I haven’t been able to respond to emails, write a post, or read other wonderful blogs that keep me sane. I’m just too sick. All. The. Time. I have moments now and then, like a break in the clouds, where I’m able to enjoy a special treat and quick check in on Twitter. But those times have become few and far between.
This pregnancy was also a surprise. Doug and I had started to give in to the thought that Emma might end up an only child. Just like with Emma, this pregnancy happened when we least expected it. Funny how much things can really change in an instant!
Now we are running in circles. Since we thought Emma was our one and only, we donated all of our baby things. You’d think things couldn’t change that much in three years but we are really surprised. We’re really lucky that so many of our friends have had babies that we might just luck out with a few hand-me-downs.
I think what I’m going to enjoy most this time around is seeing Emma get ready for her role as a big sister. It breaks my heart a little that she won’t be my only baby anymore. But I’m looking forward to seeing how she grows into being a big sister, and the adventures our new baby will bring us.