Saying goodbye to our first dog
A couple of weeks ago, we lost you, Jackson. Last year we found out you had cancer, and it was a rough go initially. But you’ve been in great health since we had a tumor removed on your leg. So it was a shock to us that we had to say goodbye to you so quickly this time. We […]

A couple of weeks ago, we lost you, Jackson. Last year we found out you had cancer, and it was a rough go initially. But you’ve been in great health since we had a tumor removed on your leg. So it was a shock to us that we had to say goodbye to you so quickly this time.
We miss you. A lot. More than I thought we ever would. Our house is quiet without you here, even with two loud, playful girls running around. No sighs. No rattling of your collar and flapping of your ears as you shake your head. No pitter patter of your feet as you bound up and down the stairs. The silence here is deafening.
I think Doug and I both go back and forth about the likelihood of getting another dog and how soon. You were our first dog. You got us ready for parenthood and taught us responsibility and patience. I look at pictures of you as a puppy and my heart shatters, wishing we could have you back for just one more day. You left us way too soon.
But we tell the girls you’re happy. You’re not in pain. And you get to fetch all the balls you want every single day. Our hurt is temporary and soon we’ll be able to talk about you without tears streaming down our faces. We will always remember the joy you brought to our home and the thousands of balls you chased, fetched, and tore apart whenever you had the chance.
Goodbye, Jackson. We love you.