How to host a virtual indoor scavenger hunt
Here's how you can host a fun indoor scavenger hunt during your next virtual meeting. This activity is customized for each level of Girl Scouts.

We were on a recent Zoom meeting where the host opened with a scavenger hunt as an icebreaker. And separately, a question came up in our Girl Scout Facebook group if anyone has actually hosted a scavenger hunt yet. So the light bulb went off in my head that this was the perfect time to create a fun indoor scavenger hunt for each level of Girl Scouts. If you’re not in Girl Scouts, you can still do this with friend groups, church groups, and classmates. You just have to change up the items they will be hunting for.
Each one of these scavenger hunts will take approximately 15-20 minutes depending on the level. Sometimes, younger girls have difficulty calculating time, so an adult may need to help them with that. As the leader, you’ll call out an item on the list. Your scouts shouldn’t know what these items are ahead of time. With each of these hunts, they will be collecting, in random order, a pen/pencil, envelope, stamp, paper, and other items.
Once the hunt is over, try to get them to guess what they’ll be doing next. With the items they’ve collected, they now have the opportunity to write a letter to someone they’re missing.
It might be a good idea to send out the list ahead of time to the adult that will be home at each household that day. This way they can have an idea of what items to have on hand, so the girls aren’t taking too much time hunting for a missing item. And it’s especially important to have the letter-writing supplies available to finish out the meeting. This is a great time to get the girls talking about people they miss, and who they may want to connect with.
This activity helps develop listening and writing skills. Plus, the kids will have a great time. Don’t forget to find a scavenger hunt fun patch for each girl who participates!
More resources
If you like this post, please see a few other virtual options for meeting ideas and where you can buy patches.