How to teach kids the art of giving
Generous kids make parents proud and this is an art you can teach them. In this article, learn about tips and tricks on how to teach kids the art of giving.

Being a generous human being is one of the most attractive characteristics one can hope to have. Contrary to what most people think, there could be as much joy in giving as in receiving. Growing up, our kids may not be able to understand the power that lies in being generous. Not only is it up to us to teach them about saving, but it’s also up to us to teach them the art of giving back. It takes time and patience but it will be worth it in the end. If you are looking to teach your kids the art of being generous, here are some tips and tricks on how you can make this happen effectively.
Lead by example
Our kids are very observational. That is why it would be futile for you to ask them to be generous while you do not exercise the same yourself. They will look to emulate what you do. Find something you can do together and they will start learning how to give. Random acts of kindness can work better with kids. Find places to volunteer as a family or let them make a donation to an organization. Buy products that support goodwill and wear those products.
Make it a family tradition
Family traditions can last a lifetime as they are passed down from one generation to the other. If you make generosity a family tradition, you will be inculcating the art of giving to your children and other generations in your family. Now and then visit a soup kitchen, kids club, or donate to people who are in need. Let your kid donate the clothing and toys they have outgrown. But make sure you are donating items that are in good shape and not items for trash.
Praise the kids when they give
Praise and positive reinforcement will work well for your kids when they are learning the art of giving. When you find them being generous, praise them and commend them for the action. Teach them the extent to which they can be generous. For instance, they should give away items they do not have use for anymore. And when I say give praise, make sure they know that they don’t need praise to do the right thing.
Make it a joyful affair
Giving should not be burdensome. The kids should not feel as if they have been robbed of something when they give. Ask them about how they feel when they help others out. Let them know how good others feel when they receive gifts from them. Make sure they have a say in what and when they give.
Create opportunities for them to give
Your kid will not learn how to be generous if you do not give them the chance to learn how to be generous. Holidays are a great time to let your kids exercise their generosity. If the holidays are far off, you can let them volunteer into some form of communal activity. They will learn how to interact with others and observe how their generosity affects others first-hand.
Get them books or movies about people being generous
When seeking entertainment options for the kids, try to find books or movies that epitomize the importance of being generous and how this impacts other people’s lives. These books have lots of lessons for the kids and the content is usually delivered in a way they can understand. Let them apply the lessons they learn from these books and movies in real life.
So whether you have a child that’s a spender or a saver, make sure you are also teaching them the importance of giving. It can be by volunteering, giving funds, or just being generous with your time. The important lesson is that they’re actually doing something.