Family meals with Sun Basket
I’m sure we are all running on the same fumes these days. By the time we pick up the kids, go to after school activities, and do homework… well we sometimes forget how to include dinner in that mess. We really don’t like eating out that much, so I’ve been trying different meal subscription options to […]

I’m sure we are all running on the same fumes these days. By the time we pick up the kids, go to after school activities, and do homework… well we sometimes forget how to include dinner in that mess. We really don’t like eating out that much, so I’ve been trying different meal subscription options to save our dinnertime routine. It’s taken a while, but we have finally found Sun Basket to be one of the best out there.
When we moved into our new home, I was so eager to use my kitchen. It had everything I could ask for. The only thing it didn’t come with is an extra set of hands. Because our weeks are getting busier and busier with two active girls, I wanted to try out a few dinner subscription services. After trying several, I found that I am really partial to Sun Basket. The meals are organic, healthy, and really easy to fix. They also have gluten-free, paleo, and vegetarian options in addition to the family plan we’ve been using. For the family plan is awesome. I get two meals a week, one recipe is curated by Tyler Florence… if you’ve been with us for any amount of time, you know we love our SF native friend.
If you’re like me and wanting something that will make your life a little easier…give Sun Basket a try. Each meal takes about 30-40 minutes to cook and you don’t have to go to the grocery store. Everything is included. I’ve partnered with Sun Basket in hopes that you’ll give them a try. But the one thing you should know about me, if you don’t know already, I won’t promote anything I don’t believe in. Sun Basket is offering new customers THREE free meals with your first order. Head over to Sun Basket and see what I’m talking about, you won’t be disappointed.