Registry: not just for girls
Dec 20, 2005 I wanted to register as soon as possible, in hopes that many items might go on sale after the holidays. At first, Douglas wanted no part of the registry, and I practically had to drag him downtown to get started.… ~200 words

I am engaged!
Nov 25, 2005 I still can’t believe that I am getting married to Douglas Bowman. I know a lot of you are in shock as well. For those of you who don’t know, I met Doug the second week in July 1992. I… ~100 words

Location location location
Nov 21, 2005 Just four days after proposing to Cam, we already have a date set, and coordinated that date with our first choices for ceremony and reception locations. That was way too easy. To be fair, we already knew (basically) where we… ~200 words

Georges at the Cove
Nov 18, 2005 After I proposed to Cam last night, we drove up to La Jolla where I had dinner reservations at Georges awaiting our arrival. We had a lovely dinner, probably warmed by the glow of our happiness over the engagement. This,… ~200 words

Nov 17, 2005 It’s true. I asked Cam to marry me earlier tonight. I tried to plan a proposal out in advance. But when the time actually came, it went way better than planned. The weather was perfect, no clouds on the horizon.… ~200 words