How to sell LOTS of Girl Scout cookies
Jan 28, 2023 How do some Girl Scouts sell so many boxes? While our girls are no longer setting super high goals, here are some tips and perspective from a family whose daughter sold over 9,000 boxes of cookies in one season. ~1,200 words

Gardening Tips for Beginners
Jun 10, 2020 Want to start a garden but don’t know where to start? Here are 25 gardening tips for beginners to get your garden growing in no time. ~800 words

Tips for selling Girl Scout cookies door to door
Jan 31, 2020 If you’re planning to go door to door to sell Girl Scout cookies, consider a few of these helpful tips before you go. ~2,300 words

Traveling made easy: Creating a travel wardrobe
Jan 13, 2018 We love to travel… a lot. Any chance we get, we’ll hit the road. Since I’m the one that packs up three out of four of us, I pretty much have this down to a science. I know exactly… ~300 words