Look who’s talking now (4 months)
Dec 12, 2008 Emma is now four months old, and all I can say is GRRRRRRRR. Yep, she found her voice and loves to talk to her toys… or just about anything or anyone else who will listen. She definitely has a captive… ~300 words

Emma: 3 months and still growing
Nov 14, 2008 Emma turned three months old this week. Where does the time go? This month has been amazing. She had a lot of firsts that sometimes made us laugh, and other times made us cry. We are so lucky to have… ~400 words

Emma turns 2 months old
Oct 12, 2008 Emma turned two months old yesterday. There have been days when time stands still, and days where time flies by. Everyone keeps telling us that it goes by so fast, and to enjoy every minute with her. The last two… ~300 words

My labor story
Aug 16, 2008 No more waiting, Emma Bowman is here. I had the most unbelievable labor story. And I love telling it. It just happened on Monday but I already feel like it was a lifetime ago. I was sure that I was… ~600 words

Announcing Emma Maxine Bowman
Aug 14, 2008 Born Monday, August 11, 2008 (almost two weeks early) at 7:55am. At birth, Emma was 6 pounds, 6 ounces, and 18 inches short. And we’re already overwhelmed with love for her.… ~26 words

Waiting for our little girl to arrive
Aug 2, 2008 Cam reached the 37-week mark of her pregnancy today. Only three more weeks to go, give or take 2-3 weeks of unpredictability. Wait?! Did I just say possibly three weeks of unpredictability? Three minus three equals zero, which means, technically,… ~500 words

Our first visit to Tom Keller’s Ad Hoc Restaurant
May 29, 2008 My husband and I planned our dinner reservations at Tom Keller’s Ad Hoc around the famous “fried chicken” night. We couldn’t have been happier with the menu. Everything was served “family” style with unlimited portions. The wait staff was friendly… ~400 words

Bouchon, Yountville
May 28, 2008 We’ve been to Bouchon in Las Vegas — but that was for brunch on a Sunday morning. This was our chance to test Keller’s Napa version for a true dinner. We made reservations 2 months in advance to make sure… ~400 words

When we go shopping
Apr 29, 2008 We think our little girl might be a shopper already. Either that. Or she’s a Barenaked Ladies fan. We had our week 24 check-up today. I was telling the doctor how active our little girl is. So active that when… ~200 words

Halfway through the pregnancy
Apr 5, 2008 I am now 20 weeks pregnant and we’re getting ready for the baby. This means a multitude of things from baby registry to the nursery. We’re no longer thinking of ourselves, but of the new life we will bring home…… ~300 words

She’s going to be fiesty
Mar 22, 2008 We’ve been very lucky. Each time we’ve been to the doctor so far, we have an ultrasound done. Each time, we get to see our little girl, and the reality of the having a baby sets in. We are always… ~100 words

I owe Celine Dion
Mar 8, 2008 Doug and I are having a baby! We are due August 23, and we couldn’t be happier. Here’s a little backstory on how (or rather, when) I got pregnant. We had been trying for several months. I finally started tracking… ~300 words