Happy Birthday, Addison!
Mar 20, 2013 Our sweet baby girl is ONE YEAR OLD today! We have been so lucky. Addie is the sweetest baby. She’s happy all the time. Her big sister, Emma, is her favorite person in the world. She eats anything, which is… ~85 words

Addie at 10 months
Jan 23, 2013 With Emma, we chronicled every month of her life. We took photos, wrote blog posts, and never missed a month. Here we are today, Addie is ten months old. Looking back at Emma, I realized that the similarities between… ~200 words

Sweet Addison
Oct 11, 2012 Our sweet Addie is 6 months old. How did that happen? Our preemie is now thriving. She is huge, in a good way. She has those squishy, chubby, roll after roll, arms and legs. She laughs, a lot. She is… ~70 words

Welcome, Addison
Apr 19, 2012 It has been a month since I we gave birth to our beautiful, sweet Addie. Everyone has a birth story, and Addison is no different. I have been avoiding her birth story for several reasons. If you’ve been following my… ~900 words