San Francisco Symphony: Pixar in concert
Jul 18, 2014 This weekend, the San Francisco Symphony will be performing Pixar in Concert. From the Toy Story trilogy to The Incredibles and Up, Pixar Animation Studios has always given their audiences an unforgettable performance. Audiences of all ages are forever… ~200 words

Life list: attend a Fleetwood Mac concert
May 23, 2013 I’ve loved Fleetwood Mac as long as I can remember. Stevie Nicks still has it after all these years. The guys, they aren’t so bad either. One of my Life List goals was to see Fleetwood Mac, live. Last night,… ~50 words

When we go shopping
Apr 29, 2008 We think our little girl might be a shopper already. Either that. Or she’s a Barenaked Ladies fan. We had our week 24 check-up today. I was telling the doctor how active our little girl is. So active that when… ~200 words