Toy Story birthday
Apr 11, 2016 Just when I thought we had moved on from Toy Story, our four year old surprised us with her birthday party request. Move over princesses, Toy Story for the win. I was kicking myself for not saving the Jesse boots… ~500 words

40 things you might not know about me
Jul 21, 2014 Today, I turn 40 years old. Here are 40 things you may not know about me on my 40th birthday. My full first name is Cam. Nothing more. It says so on my birth certificate. And yes, I have been… ~700 words

Happy Birthday, Addison!
Mar 20, 2013 Our sweet baby girl is ONE YEAR OLD today! We have been so lucky. Addie is the sweetest baby. She’s happy all the time. Her big sister, Emma, is her favorite person in the world. She eats anything, which is… ~85 words

Sweet Addison
Oct 11, 2012 Our sweet Addie is 6 months old. How did that happen? Our preemie is now thriving. She is huge, in a good way. She has those squishy, chubby, roll after roll, arms and legs. She laughs, a lot. She is… ~70 words

Faces of our sweet four year old
Aug 15, 2012 “I’m FOUR!” Our Emma is four years old now. I don’t know how it happened so fast.… ~17 words