How to sell LOTS of Girl Scout cookies
Jan 28, 2023 How do some Girl Scouts sell so many boxes? While our girls are no longer setting super high goals, here are some tips and perspective from a family whose daughter sold over 9,000 boxes of cookies in one season. ~1,200 words

Girl Scout Tagalong cookie cake, step by step
Apr 8, 2020 Although our cookie season is over, we still have a lot of extras that we ended up hoardingĀ keeping. And it’s a good thing, because I’ve been baking like crazy to forget about what’s going on in the world. This… ~500 words

Girl Scout Cookie Samoas Parfait
Feb 26, 2020 Looking for a fun Girl Scout cookie dessert? Try this Samoas parfait! ~300 words

Taste test video: Girl Scout cookie varieties
Feb 12, 2020 Did you know there are different Girl Scout cookie bakers? Our girls taste-tested every Girl Scout cookie varieties and shared their thoughts on how each cookie compares. ~400 words

Tips for selling Girl Scout cookies door to door
Jan 31, 2020 If you’re planning to go door to door to sell Girl Scout cookies, consider a few of these helpful tips before you go. ~2,300 words

Girl Scout cookie treat board
Jan 28, 2020 Girl Scout cookies make the perfect treat board for any event. Find your favorite Girl Scout and get a few cookie flavors to make a quick and easy dessert board for any occasion. ~200 words

100 things your Girl Scout leader wants you to know
Oct 15, 2019 Being a Girl Scout leader is hard. Here are a few things that troop leaders want parents, grandparents, and guardians to know. You knowing these can make our lives as troop leaders so much easier. ~1,500 words

5 things to NOT say to a Girl Scout selling cookies
Feb 12, 2018 Here are five things not to say to a Girl Scout selling cookies, and a simple suggestion for what you could say instead. ~900 words