Cookie exchange on a budget
Dec 10, 2011 I love the season leading up to Christmas. It’s the only time of year when I make all my favorite cookies, and then they’re gone before I know it! This year, I decided to do a Cookie Exchange. After… ~1,100 words

Christmas traditions: our Advent calendar
Dec 2, 2011 One of my favorite traditions with Em has been our Advent Calendar. I made it when she was just one and we’ve been using it for the last couple of years. December is here and so we begin another year… ~100 words

What to do with a picky eater?
Dec 1, 2011 I know a lot of us have really picky eaters. This is the one area of parenting that I have finally given up on. I go with the “she’ll eat when she’s hungry” route. Honestly? This kills me and drives… ~200 words

Letting go…
Oct 6, 2011 I have one of those memories where I can tell you what I was wearing on the third day of sixth grade. I was once told that I “can remember everything about absolutely nothing,” I took that as a compliment.… ~800 words

7 weeks of hibernation… or just pregnant!
Oct 3, 2011 August 16th. That was the date of my last post. It’s been almost seven weeks since I’ve written anything here. We’ve had so much going on, and I actually have a ton of unfinished posts just waiting to be finished.… ~500 words

10 tips to starting your own blog
Jul 31, 2011 First, I’ll acknowledge I’m not a blogging expert. I do however have three different blogs that I write for and maintain. They’re each very different, and I have a love/hate relationship with each one. Mostly love. Starting a blog is… ~1,000 words

Our first dental visit, not my finest hour
Jul 22, 2011 As a parent, I want nothing but the best for my child. I make sure my child is happy and healthy. One of her favorite things to do in the morning is brush her teeth. She would brush her teeth… ~200 words

Tea, anyone?
Jul 20, 2011 Yesterday morning our house was very quiet, too quiet. Little did I know there was a tea party going on. She is a great hostess. Everyone got their tea. All is right in her world.… ~35 words

Easter egg hunt at the San Francisco Zoo
Apr 17, 2011 This weekend, we took Emma to the San Francisco Zoo for their annual Easter party and egg hunt. If you can’t tell from the photos below, she had lots of fun, particularly hopping like a rabbit in any of the… ~100 words

Sunny days are here again, exploring the Bay Area
Feb 6, 2011 I wish I could tell you how awesome the weather was this weekend. We didn’t even have weather like this the entire summer last year. The temperature in the Bay Area was in the high 70s to mid 80s all… ~300 words

Goodbye 2010, hello 2011!
Jan 30, 2011 January – Nana and Papa Bowman visited from Florida. Unfortunatly, Emma got Roseola so we spent a lot of time indoors. We still managed to take Nana and Papa to the Bay Area Discovery Museum, one of Emma’s favorite places.… ~900 words