Let’s talk about our breasts.
Feb 8, 2019 Normalizing breast self-care is critical for early breast cancer detection. Let’s talk with each another more often about the importance of annual exams and early detection. ~500 words

Rally the troops, get your new Team Jaime shirts!
Oct 10, 2017 In February of 2014, I sat next to my friend Jaime at a conference. We laughed and got caught up with each other’s lives. It was just a month later that Jaime told us she had breast cancer. Jaime… ~300 words

Skin cancer and how we’re fighting it
Feb 21, 2017 About a year ago my mother had a small spot on her lip. We really didn’t think anything of it and she had been to the doctor several times. It wasn’t until I noticed the spot growing rapidly that I… ~300 words

Saying goodbye to our first dog
May 16, 2016 A couple of weeks ago, we lost you, Jackson. Last year we found out you had cancer, and it was a rough go initially. But you’ve been in great health since we had a tumor removed on your leg. So… ~300 words

May 30, 2015 Our dog turned nine this summer. Nine years. We brought him home when he was just nine weeks old. He has been trouble since the day we brought him home. But he’s also been a huge part of our family.… ~200 words

Team Jaime
Apr 9, 2014 A few weeks ago my blogging friend, Jaime, let everyone know she has breast cancer. So I Have Cancer #BreastCancer http://t.co/a47TGU5MH8 — Jaime Jenkins (@laderalady) March 7, 2014 My heart sank. I had just spent time with Jaime at… ~300 words

Remembering Luke
Aug 6, 2012 “Listen and you just might hear the frogs ribbitting as they party in heaven with Luke dancing and smiling… pain free… and cancer gone.” For some reason I never thought this time would come. On July 28th little Luke Johnston… ~300 words

Heavy heart but always full of hope
May 16, 2012 Over the past couple of weeks I have had a very heavy heart. Some of you may remember my friend Brandi and her family. Specifially, Brandi’s son Luke. Luke is a nine year old twin boy who has been… ~200 words

A friend in need: Luke’s journey
Dec 1, 2010 I met my friend Brandi Johnston in those first few hours of my freshman year at college. She listened to me talk non-stop about a “Doug Bowman” for a solid two years, then occasional mentions of him for the last… ~500 words