The trial run… getting ready for Addison
Feb 27, 2012 On Saturday night, I wasn’t feeling very well. My back really hurt, a lot more than usual. After dinner, I went to bed, I think around 6:45 or so. I laid in bed, but couldn’t get comfortable. This little girl… ~1,000 words

Easter egg hunt at the San Francisco Zoo
Apr 17, 2011 This weekend, we took Emma to the San Francisco Zoo for their annual Easter party and egg hunt. If you can’t tell from the photos below, she had lots of fun, particularly hopping like a rabbit in any of the… ~100 words

Sunny days are here again, exploring the Bay Area
Feb 6, 2011 I wish I could tell you how awesome the weather was this weekend. We didn’t even have weather like this the entire summer last year. The temperature in the Bay Area was in the high 70s to mid 80s all… ~300 words

Goodbye 2010, hello 2011!
Jan 30, 2011 January – Nana and Papa Bowman visited from Florida. Unfortunatly, Emma got Roseola so we spent a lot of time indoors. We still managed to take Nana and Papa to the Bay Area Discovery Museum, one of Emma’s favorite places.… ~900 words

A friend in need: Luke’s journey
Dec 1, 2010 I met my friend Brandi Johnston in those first few hours of my freshman year at college. She listened to me talk non-stop about a “Doug Bowman” for a solid two years, then occasional mentions of him for the last… ~500 words

Happy Father’s Day… and birthday to Doug
Jun 21, 2010 This year, Doug’s birthday and Father’s Day were on the same day. Since they are so close together I’m sure it’s bound to happen again. We had a great weekend. We actually celebrated his birthday on Saturday so he didn’t… ~59 words

19 months old
Mar 11, 2010 And already so full of emotion! Is this a sign that we’re starting the Terrible Twos a little early? After Mom finally got pigtails in her hair for the first time, she wasn’t too happy about it. But seriously, we’ve… ~200 words

A year and a half old already
Feb 11, 2010 Our little girl is 18 months old today. Can you believe that? It’s been a while since we’ve updated this site. Seems like it’s getting more and more difficult to keep up with everything. Just when we felt like we… ~600 words

Emma 14 months old
Oct 12, 2009 Yep, we’re skipping month 13. It’s unlucky anyway right? Our girl is now 14 months old. I can’t even begin to tell you all the changes that took place over the last two months. But I’ll try to… ~600 words

One year ago today, I became your mom
Aug 11, 2009 Dear Emma, Your dad and I went to bed last night just as we did one year ago. What we didn’t know then was it was the last night we would be going to bed as a couple. The next… ~200 words

Emma: 11 months old
Jul 13, 2009 Month 11 was so jammed packed I don’t even know where to begin! This month has been so much fun. We celebrated a one year birthday party with all of Emma’s “Day One” friends. Emma is walking every chance she… ~700 words

Emma: 10 months old and all the photos
Jun 26, 2009 We haven’t had time to do anything let alone get pictures up. I wanted to put up a few more 10 month pictures that are too cute! We took these in the back yard on her 10 month birthday. Big… ~45 words

Emma at 10 months
Jun 11, 2009 Wow. 10 months down. It won’t be long until Emma is a year old. The past month has gone by fast. We’ve gotten a little behind in posting photos to Flickr, and the last 9-month post was written way too… ~500 words

Emma turns 9 months old
May 15, 2009 Emma turned 9 months old this week. We had a lot of activity this month. We had our first visit to the ER, took a trip to the zoo, Grandma Thelma came to visit, and we celebrated my first Mother’s… ~500 words

Emma: 8 months old
Apr 11, 2009 Emma is now 8 months old. Just when we think she couldn’t get any cuter, she does. Emma’s 8 month birthday fell on Easter weekend. We got to spend the weekend with great friends. On Saturday, we went to Jim,… ~500 words

Not just mans best friend, Emma and Jackson
Apr 8, 2009 Doug has always wanted a dog. He never had a dog growing up and couldn’t wait until he was able to have a dog of his own. I grew up with several Labradors and had hoped one day to have… ~200 words

Emma: 7 months old
Mar 11, 2009 Happy Birthday, Emma! Today Emma turned seven months old. We have now mastered eating. Or at least, Emma thinks she has. She’s eating three meals a day just like we are. She gets fruit and cereal in the mornings, fruit… ~600 words

Emma: 6-month birthday
Feb 11, 2009 Here’s the birthday girl: We can’t believe Emma is six months old already. Cam would tell you some of the days have gone by so slowly. But overall, six months have flown by. Since our 5-month post, she’s changed… ~700 words