Homemade salt-dough Christmas ornaments
Nov 30, 2012 It’s been raining like crazy, and we’ve spent a lot of times indoors this week. We’ve had a week full of Christmas projects around here. Earlier this week, we made a canvas hand print tree and a Christmas tree made … ~300 words

Kid-friendly Christmas crafts: O Button Tree
Nov 29, 2012 As a kid, I remember a decorative Christmas tree that my grandmother and mother made together. I have always loved that tree. It has buttons and costume jewelry in the shape of a tree. I am lucky to have that… ~300 words

Eating gluten-free at Disneyland
Nov 26, 2012 My friend, Janet, recently contacted me about her upcoming trip to Disneyland. Her four year old daughter is on a strict gluten-free (GF) diet, and she wanted to make sure Disney dining wasn’t going to be an insurmountable challenge. I… ~500 words

Disneyland Hotels: Paradise Pier
Oct 19, 2012 We’ve had many friends travel to Disneyland, and many have asked us where we stay. They are typically surprised to find out that we have stayed on-site almost every time. We stayed off-site once, and discovered the value in staying… ~700 words

When your child can finally see…
Oct 16, 2012 At Emma’s four year well-check, she didn’t do very well with her eye exam. I thought it might be the time of day, she was tired. We went ahead and made an appointment with our pediatric optometrist, just to be… ~88 words

Sweet Addison
Oct 11, 2012 Our sweet Addie is 6 months old. How did that happen? Our preemie is now thriving. She is huge, in a good way. She has those squishy, chubby, roll after roll, arms and legs. She laughs, a lot. She is… ~70 words

Balloon replacement
Sep 29, 2012 As soon as we hit Disneyland, Emma sees those $12 Mickey balloons and wants one immediately. I really don’t mind getting one, as long as it’s the first day of the trip. These balloons are great and usually last the… ~100 words

A birthday interview with our 4-year-old
Sep 2, 2012 A few weeks ago Emma turned four years old. It’s so bittersweet to see our girl getting older. Even though we pretty much know her likes and dislikes, I wanted to hear what she had to say about being four…… ~200 words

Ride the Ducks: San Francisco
Aug 20, 2012 There is so much to see in San Francisco. We’ve lived here many years now and I can honestly say that even I haven’t seen it all. We recently had the opportunity to “Ride the Ducks” through San Francisco and I couldn’t wait to take my family on the adventure. ~500 words

Faces of our sweet four year old
Aug 15, 2012 “I’m FOUR!” Our Emma is four years old now. I don’t know how it happened so fast.… ~17 words

Remembering Luke
Aug 6, 2012 “Listen and you just might hear the frogs ribbitting as they party in heaven with Luke dancing and smiling… pain free… and cancer gone.” For some reason I never thought this time would come. On July 28th little Luke Johnston… ~300 words

Heavy heart but always full of hope
May 16, 2012 Over the past couple of weeks I have had a very heavy heart. Some of you may remember my friend Brandi and her family. Specifially, Brandi’s son Luke. Luke is a nine year old twin boy who has been… ~200 words

Welcome, Addison
Apr 19, 2012 It has been a month since I we gave birth to our beautiful, sweet Addie. Everyone has a birth story, and Addison is no different. I have been avoiding her birth story for several reasons. If you’ve been following my… ~900 words

DIY: Easter egg button shirt
Mar 19, 2012 Last year I got Em a really cute shirt for St. Patty’s Day. It had a green shamrock on the front with a few buttons attached. It was really cute and simple. I’ve been wanting to do this same idea… ~600 words

The trial run… getting ready for Addison
Feb 27, 2012 On Saturday night, I wasn’t feeling very well. My back really hurt, a lot more than usual. After dinner, I went to bed, I think around 6:45 or so. I laid in bed, but couldn’t get comfortable. This little girl… ~1,000 words

My one and only pregnancy photo with Addie
Feb 20, 2012 Bed rest sucks. There is no other way around it. I don’t think I’ve met one person who has enjoyed their experience, myself included. I’ve been on bed rest for over two months now. I’m sad that this is my… ~200 words

Second pregnancy guilt
Feb 13, 2012 I was in the middle of writing this post when I saw this article over at Babble.com, “I Suck at My Second Pregnancy.” I’ve been struggling with this for some time. Basically, since we found out I was… ~300 words

How to throw a quick and easy brunch
Feb 11, 2012 Two of my very dear friends have had birthdays while I’ve been on bed rest. This is such a bummer since I would love to have taken them out for brunch at one of our favorite spots. I hate IOU’s,… ~500 words

DIY: Valentine’s Day heart crayons
Jan 29, 2012 Pinterest has left me wanting to do so many fun projects. I’ve been trying to think of a cute project to give the kids at pre-school for Valentine’s Day. Candy is not an option and I needed something that was… ~200 words

Not your typical OB appointment
Jan 12, 2012 Today I had my monthly OB follow-up appointment. My husband was actually able to come with me to this one, and we were hoping to get in a quick unscheduled ultrasound. He just wanted to take a peak at our… ~300 words