Camp Galileo: adventures down under!
Apr 25, 2014 Last summer was the first time we sent Emma to a summer camp. I was more than a little nervous and apprehensive. She would be starting Kindergarten in the fall, and I knew camp would be a good time… ~200 words

Team Jaime
Apr 9, 2014 A few weeks ago my blogging friend, Jaime, let everyone know she has breast cancer. So I Have Cancer #BreastCancer http://t.co/a47TGU5MH8 — Jaime Jenkins (@laderalady) March 7, 2014 My heart sank. I had just spent time with Jaime at… ~300 words

My latest obsession: StitchFix
Apr 7, 2014 No shopping, no dressing rooms, and a fun surprise once a month. StitchFix is a personal stylist that helps you create a wardrobe based on several questions you answer and what you appear to like. ~400 words

Edventure More Summer Camps
Mar 19, 2014 Last year was the first year our oldest daughter went to summer camp. I wanted her to have a new experience making friends as she transitioned into Kindergarten. We found a camp that was a perfect fit, and opened… ~300 words

Blog to book in 30 days
Mar 4, 2014 One of the best things I’ve ever done is publish my first book, 101 Disneyland Tips. Even though it was a lot of work, it was so much fun, and I really enjoyed the entire process. Several people have… ~700 words

Welcome Tooth Fairy: we lost our first tooth
Jan 14, 2014 Well, it finally happened. Our oldest daughter finally lost her first tooth. It’s been hanging on for some time now. It seems the Tooth Fairy will finally be making a visit to our home. I associate losing teeth with my… ~93 words

Black eyed pea salsa
Dec 29, 2013 My mother is very superstitious. I don’t consider myself to be. However, I intentionally don’t walk under ladders, and I might worry a bit if I broke a mirror. Here we are, the New Year is upon us. Every year,… ~300 words

When Disneyland reaches capacity
Dec 28, 2013 A couple years ago, we made a rookie move. We visited Disneyland during New Year’s weekend. It was cold and wet and very crowded. Not only was it crowded, but the park reached capacity each day rather quickly. When we… ~300 words

101 Disneyland Tips, the book
Dec 2, 2013 I’m so excited that I finally get share my new book with you. 101 Disneyland Tips is now available for purchase in paperback, Kindle, and other eBook reader editions. Back in September, I started a 30 Days of Disneyland Tips… ~400 words

Dulce de leche butter cookies
Nov 24, 2013 Every year, I host a cookie exchange. I make the same cookie every year. This year, I wanted to come up with something that would really “wow” the crowd. It’s a tough crowd. These women bring it. I’ve seen cookies… ~600 words

American Girl: San Francisco opening
Nov 14, 2013 Yesterday I had the privilege of getting a tour of the new American Girl Store at the Stanford Shopping Center. Not knowing much about American Girl, I didn’t really understand the popularity of the brand until I experienced it first-hand.… ~600 words

Amazing turkey pot pie recipe
Nov 11, 2013 I’m having a hard time believing it’s fall already. Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away, so I thought it might be a good time to learn (again) how to cook a turkey. My mother has been trying to teach… ~600 words

Perfect pumpkin cheesecake
Oct 29, 2013 This time of year, I really like to be in the kitchen. I love to bake. Getting out my grandmother’s recipes brings back wonderful memories of her. She taught me a lot of what I know. One of my favorite… ~500 words

New Mickey Mouse animated shorts
Oct 22, 2013 Disney Animation has been hard at work this year producing an entirely new set of short cartoons. Our family loves watching these short bursts of themed shorts featuring some of our favorite characters. ~200 words

Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Wizard of Oz
Oct 3, 2013 The Wizard of Oz has been a family favorite of ours for years. We remember sitting in front of the television as kids and watching this classic all the way through. In fact, our family will be dressing up as… ~200 words

Welcoming Fall
Sep 30, 2013 September is coming to a close, and I’m up to my neck in Fall-related projects. I’m so excited for what’s ahead, but I still have a lot of work to do. Instead of worrying about it, I’m going to put… ~300 words

Mom Talk Radio, Spotlight on Moms
Sep 30, 2013 Recently I had the honor of being on Mom Talk Radio with Maria Bailey. I was on the “Spotlight on Moms” segment talking about my blog, the recent launch of my newsletter, and of course, Disneyland. Maria Bailey is… ~100 words

Summertime with Camp Galileo
Aug 6, 2013 This summer, Emma spent two weeks at Camp Galileo. This was the first year we explored our options for a summer activity. With Emma starting Kindergarten this year, we wanted her to have a new experience that might help… ~300 words

Goodbye preschool
Aug 5, 2013 I blinked and this year was over. Just like that, preschool is over. I have so many emotions over my daughter starting Kinder this year. When my husband said, “we will no longer be her number one influencers anymore,” things… ~100 words

Face painting at Disneyland
Jul 15, 2013 Ever since my daughter started pre-school, she’s come home with her face painted several times a month. Emma loves to have her face painted. Loves it. She would rather use her spending money on face painting than chocolate. I… ~100 words